Proinova – Pro-Rectory of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Pro-Rectory of Undergraduate Studies (Prograd) and Pro-Rectory of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PRPGP) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) promoted on the 5th and 6th of October the course “Intellectual Property for Researchers and Entrepreneurs”, which was taught by the partner of the Guimarães.IP Firm, Rodolfo Guimarães.
The course was focused on those interested in better understanding the world of Intellectual Property and its strategic and legal aspects within RD&I projects. During two presential days (05 and 06/10), essential topics in IP were presented, and in six online meetings (09 to 20/10) specific topics about the area were presented.